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Gaming Consultancy
GGEM team know how to develop your project across various domains, including marketing and business development.
Game partner
ConnectNot Another AgencyBut a reliable game partner.GGEM is a studio specializing in everything gaming. We’re not another marketing or game development agency. Our team has a strong background in traditional and blockchain gaming.GGEM brings together experts from different fields united by one mission - to create good games and help them gain worldwide popularity. We understand gaming, we breathe gaming.
EarnPromote Your Game EfficientlyGGEM is a meeting point for game creators and gamers.GGEM offers tools and strategies that will allow you to grow a player base at a faster pace than you would ever experience while collaborating with other guilds and agencies.
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Work with us
Why Clients
Work With Us
GGEM was created by gamers and game developers. We understand your headache like no one. This is why game developers around the world choose us as their partners for game marketing, development, design, and other crucial aspects.
  • Introduction to a loyal player base
  • Better understanding of your needs
  • Higher ROIs than in average agencies
  • Lower player acquisition cost
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VariousEverything Game
Developers Need to Succeed
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Promotional servicesAccess to New GamesStart playing your favorite blockchain games here and now. No connecting a crypto wallet is required. Save achievements from your all games in one place. It’s even easier than on Steam!
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UX/UI, graphic and game designStand out with impressive designWe help to create a unique visual design for your game. We craft unique UX/UI design, branding, game design, and other visual components for gaming projects.
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QA & testing servicesImprove your gameplayCollecting data from our community of players and our own specialists, GGEM performs complex game testing for errors, exploits, code audits, and patch testing.
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Tech supportPrevent tech issues efficientlyWe offer comprehensive tech support in troubleshooting and optimizing gaming infrastructure processes.
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Game mechanics developmentCreate an exciting gaming experienceOur system design experts assist in creating thoughtful, flexible game mechanics, optimizing balance, improving gameplay quality, and reinforcing control over all in-game processes.
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AuditsBuild a high-performing game economyWe analyze the game economy model by assessing inflation/deflation mechanisms, token distribution, and more. We conduct necessary project audits to ensure adherence to industry standards
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Tokenomics development & token listingLaunch a game token successfullyOur team assists in creating/improving tokenomics, as well as preparing the project for token listings on top exchanges
Ready to level up your game?
We’re here to help. Contact us here to book a free consultation.